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Breaking news: Diversity and inclusion are key drivers of employee engagement.


Not just that, a diverse workforce is an innovative one. And when you reward people for innovative behaviour, well, you’re in a success cycle. Because that drives employee engagement too.

Also, you turbocharge your rewards when they celebrate diversity. By doing that you’re representing the spirit of equality within your organisation. Your reputation soars. So does your bottom line, and your company culture.

In a nutshell, you want to establish a strong culture of collaboration, cooperation, and inclusion. And you want your rewards to foster that thinking.

Make sure your rewards resonate with that strategy and your business will thrive. Bear in mind this is a process, not a program. Here’s how to go about it…

The how to’s

In South Africa, we have made a commitment to transformation and equality. So, having a diverse group of employees under your roof is almost a mandate. But your business is also operating in a global marketplace. One that’s undergoing massive changes in demographics and technology. Not to mention the cultural shifts we’re seeing.

Most businesses see the value in investing in talented employees with varying skills, ethnicity, religious beliefs etc. But they struggle to create a culture of inclusivity.

What follows are some steps you can take to ensure your rewards foster diversity and inclusion.

Use your rewards program as a dynamic toolkit

Research shows that; “rewards that trigger emotions cause higher performance after and in anticipation of the reward.” (IRF).  Done right, they should be a multidimensional experience that leaves a lasting impression on the recipient.

Anchoring your rewards in a culture of inclusivity is one way to do just that.

Employees will feel seen and heard and understood. They will feel that they have a voice within the ecosystem of your business, which creates an emotional experience that in turn forges a strong bond of loyalty. You’re honouring your staff and in so doing, they become the type of brand custodians that add serious value to your company.

Understand that diversity isn’t inclusion

Diversity is about representation. Your business needs to be a melting pot of different skills, talents, races, religions, and personalities for it to be a strong, diverse representation of the world we live in.

Inclusion, on the other hand, relates to whether the different parts that make up your organisation flow seamlessly or collide.

Inclusion is a doing word. It speaks to how well you’re able to show respect for, and acknowledge, the differences in your workforce.

The two concepts work side by side. Or as Anne Beninger, senior director of research and corporate engagement at Catalyst puts it, “Diversity is a fact; inclusion is a choice. You must have a diverse workforce in order to be inclusive.”

Another way to put it; “Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.” Vernā Myers  – diversity advocate.

Rewards can fill the gap between diversity and inclusion.

You can recognise differences in tastes and preferences with the kind of rewards you hand out. And you can ‘ask people to dance’ by the way you use your rewards to create personal connections. All the while moving towards exponential personal and corporate growth.

Invest in company culture

In our modern world, where our customers demand an authentic brand story, company culture has become a driving force for success. Human capital, brand experiences and brand custodians (and NOT brick and mortar) are what define your company’s market value.

Melissa Van Dyke, the president of the Incentive Research Foundation, articulated this trend best when she said that “80% of the market is now valued in intangible assets.”

So it’s clear that investing in ideas, customs and social behaviours within your organisation are important strategies to employ.

Finding rewards that celebrate your collective identity will help you develop your company culture. Your staff will feel part of a community that holds their uniqueness dear. Which is a powerful motivator in itself.

Read more about using rewards to fuel your company culture. 

Empower every employee to be an inclusivity leader

All managers should be practising the art of inclusive leadership. But what about empowering your staff to exhibit the same qualities? By doing that you’re allowing them to take ownership of the inclusivity process.

The Centre for Talent Innovation has identified 6 traits that inclusive leaders exhibit. Their research shows that team members are 71% more likely to feel welcome and included if leaders exhibit at least 3 of these behaviours.

You can actually use the 6 traits as a guide to help you cultivate the kind of rewards that drive inclusive company culture. For example:

1. Inclusive leaders empower team members to make decisions.

So, introduce rewards that empower team members to make decisions:

  • Budget to decorate: Office perks always go down well as a reward. A budget to decorate office space gives employees the power to define their personal space. This incentive also has a lasting effect because the area they decorate forms part of their everyday life at your organisation.
  • Personal assistant for a week: Recognising hard work with a “borrowed” assistant is an aspirational experience. It also develops delegation skills, which empowers employees to manage administrative tasks more efficiently.

2. Inclusive leaders take advice and implement feedback.

Use rewards that help your employees to take advice and implement feedback:

  • The Corner Office reward: There are certain spaces in an office that are coveted. They come with respect and a sense of accomplishment. An idea is for managers to give up their office for a day as a reward. This transfers a level of esteem to your employees. You’ll find them more receptive to feedback if they feel like they are a respected member of your team.

3. Inclusive leaders create a safe space for innovation.

Introduce rewards to create a safe space for proposing innovative, new ideas:

  • Build an app day: Inspire problem-solving and innovation by hosting an event where employees come up with app ideas (the kind that benefits your workflows). If you have developers in your organisation, you can even build simple templates that even have some functionality. This idea sees employees from different departments working together on exciting, new ideas. It’s team building and injects some competitive creativity into the work environment.

Create tangible rewards for teams, in the form of gift cards, retail vouchers or bulk tickets for a popular sports event, music festival, stage production or expo.

4. Inclusive leaders create a culture where everyone gets heard.

Consider rewards that create a culture where everyone gets heard:

  • Dinner with management: A one-on-one dinner with someone in a leadership role can be an inspiring moment for team members who are looking for future growth opportunities. What’s more, it adds to the “speak up” culture that is so important when it comes to inclusivity and diversity.

5. Inclusive leaders initiate the sharing of team success stories.

Launch rewards that initiate the sharing of team success stories:

  • LinkedIn recommendations: SnackNation came up with the great idea of going public with recognition. It speaks volumes of an organisation when employee LinkedIn profiles are filled with positive reviews from fellow team members.

6. Inclusive leaders drive actionable feedback.

Apply rewards that drive actionable feedback:

  • Working lunch: Sponsoring a lunch at a restaurant of employees’ choice is a great way to acknowledge diversity, while still getting some work done. Your team will eat out of their comfort zone and learn about other cultures. The meal can be spent connecting over insights and actionable ideas for future wins.

Diverse rewards reward inclusivity

Respect, community and growth. That’s how you make sure your rewards carry the spirit of diversity and inclusion.

Businesses flourish when they show commitment to diversity. If you’re known for fair and equitable working practises, you attract top talent. You’ll have uber loyal customers. And your staff will be motivated and empowered to help your organisation grow.

While the road to creating a strong company culture may be long and hard, you know you can turn to your rewards program as a tangible tool. When in doubt, just remember: respect, community and growth… respect, community and growth.

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