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We all love rewards. The moment we feel they have been personalised for our benefit, we love them even more. Here’s how to personalise your rewards for maximum ROI.


Whether you’re in human capital management or customer loyalty, data application is the sure way to establish and build personal relationships. And the more data you have access to, the better.

According to a study by Experian, personalised emails deliver six times higher transaction rates.


Personalise your rewards and communications

personalise your rewardsSource: Experian

Successful personalisation at scale requires a concerted effort, starting with the build of a robust data repository. But how, exactly, do you personalise your rewards for maximum ROI? Demographics are a great start, but don’t end there. Start building up behavioural data and gain insight into people’s unique values, attitudes and beliefs.

This more nuanced, 360-degree view of your customers, channel partners and employees will yield insights into personal ideology, ensuring that your rewards are geared for personal preference and likeability.

Next, you need to make these insights actionable. To personalise your rewards, spend time crafting personal messages – be they gifts, special offers or discounts. Make sure the communications around your rewards resonate with the right customers, channel partners and/or employees.

Finally, keep refining your data. The more real-time your data, the greater chance you have to connect with your audience and personalise your rewards for success.


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