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Loyalty and rewards. They go together, like love and marriage. We take a closer look at the South African loyalty landscape and find out whose is on the rise. And why.


The latest edition of the Truth Loyalty whitepaper is packed with facts, stats and deep-dive insights about South Africa’s loyalty business. Overall, the picture is a positive one. Customer demand is climbing steadily, with 8% more customers using loyalty programs. Another encouraging indicator is that, overall, 79% of Mzansi’s consumers are using such programs.

According to the survey of 28 000 customers, conducted by BrandMapp, these are the ones we use the most:

loyaltySource: 2017 Truth Loyalty Whitepaper

So, what’s the special lure? Rewards, we know. But with the landscape filling up with innovative, new players, it’s the brands that provide personalised reward experiences that are winning the most hearts and minds.

There is a significant shift taking place, program providers are wanting to gain deeper insight into their customers’ non-transactional behaviour. Why? Because the more they can learn about their customers’ values, attitudes and viewpoints, the better equipped they will be to deliver rewards that matter. The future? Build on authentic connections. Count us in!


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